Wednesday, June 10, 2009


In my experiences and even more so with recent situations, I have discovered the importance of integrity. Staying true to your honor, upholding your highest sense of self, telling the truth, behaving with dignity, all of these attributes that were embedded in our lives even as young children are just as applicable now as they were then.

It is amazing to me how these simple lessons, learning to tell the truth, learning to say please and thank you, learning respect, learning to listen, understanding the importance of "quiet time" all have such a substantial role in my life today. It is critical to pay attention to those lessons early on, but as we all know most children have one ear on the parent and one ear on a million other distractions.

But most recently I have found in my life the value of integrity. I have had people behave poorly toward me, expressing concern regarding qualities of my own and concerns about my nature that have damaged me. They have made me question my worth. I have had dear friends approach me with hurtful words and have found myself taking them to heart and absorbing them as though they were personal attacks on me and my character.

I have in the past forgotten in the heat of the moment that one overpowering and sustaining gift that I have is my integrity. It is the lock and key into my soul that no matter what happens, there was honor from my end.

This in no way underestimates the presence of lessons learned in the meantime. There can be mistakes made and lessons learned while still maintaining integrity. I have discovered in my own process that the intention is behind so much of what integrity is and stands for. If in my choices there is honor and truth, then I have integrity.

If there is integrity, then there is no backtracking and swirling clouds when negativity comes into my path. If there are harsh words exchanged and hurtful comments made in my direction, my integrity should keep me on my path, instead of hurdle me in a tail spin out of control. It is important to gain awareness of your own integrity, and if you feel like it is in question, examine the possible reasons why and try and understand where it can be reinstated.

Integrity is what keeps us grounded in who we are and what we stand for. It keeps me on my feet and allows me to move through this life being appreciate of who I am, respectful of my nature, and humbled through the learning of lessons.

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