Since I am in the mode of talking about my jewelry, here is part 2. I don't wear a ton of jewerly. But there are a few pieces that as of right now, I refuse to take off. The next piece I want to talk about is a bracelet that stays on my right wrist, pretty much through all things. Unless I'm sleeping, its on.
It has particular significance in my life and relates to the sanctity of friends. Here is how it came to be. My mother for as long as I can remember wore these two bracelets side by side, one was silver and the other was gold. I constantly told her that I wanted to have two for myself, they were hammered jewelry to create this beautiful look. And I remembered throughout my days they would clink together.
Anyway, right before I moved to Colorado we were really discussing this idea of the two of us getting the same ones so that I could remember her always, and we took them to the jewelers to get priced and needless to say...making duplicates just wasn't an option. NO WAY.
So this is the conclusion we came to. She had a duplicate of the silver bracelet made and cut the gold one in half, and had them molded together to make one bracelet. So one day I came home and found this beautiful new bracelet in my mailbox. It is so remarkable how attached I can feel to her even though she is so far away.
The two components of friendship are: the silver and the gold. And when they come together, there is true unity in the relationship. For me, I have discovered that I have finally made the friends that I have been longing for my entire life. Don't misunderstand, I have had beautiful friends in my life, cherished friends, but never had them in the same town as me. They have always been living other places, so that our time together was exquisite, but definitely infrequent.
Finally here in Boulder I have found those beautiful men and women who give the same energy in friendships that I give. They care for me, and affirm our connection. I have found that I need that. I encourage everyone never to settle in friendships. They are our chosen family and we all deserve to have the most incredible chosen family.